If you want to indent a paragraph, then you can do that manually by clicking on the increase indent button in the visual editor. By default, most WordPress themes will show paragraphs justified to the left or to the right for right to left languages. The sources you list in your bibliography will be in hanging indents and alphabetically listed. Method 1: Using The Indent Text Buttons in Visual Editor. Most often, you'll use a hanging indent when you're creating a bibliography or works cited page at the end of an essay or research paper. It's rare when you need to use a hanging indent in Google Docs, but there are cases. For example: This would be the first line that you are trying to type. What is a hanging indent?Ī hanging indent is when the next line of a paragraph receives an indent, while the first line remains flush with the left side of the page. Go to the Home tab and click the arrow next to Multilevel List. With everything you do in Google Docs, we recommend you use Track Changes, so you can backtrack if you need to. To change a single list item indent in Word: Place your cursor next to the text for the list item. Luckily for you, we've saved you the time by showing you how to set up and use the hanging indent in Google Docs. On most computers, you can create a hanging indent by selecting the line you want indented and then holding down the Ctrl and T buttons at the same time. An example is below: There are a few ways to create hanging indents. It takes just a little bit of detective work to find out how to create a hanging indent in Google Docs. A hanging indent is an indent that indents all text except for the first line.